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How To Reduce Body Fat The Quick & Healthy Way

Excess body fat poses plenty of health risks, but getting rid of it can be challenging amidst our hectic lives. It is no wonder why ‘quick solutions’ to reduce body fat — such as skipping meals, drinking weight-loss coffee, or adopting unrealistic celebrity-endorsed diet plans — are so attractive, despite their ineffectiveness and health risks in the long run. The good news is that a healthy diet and taking the right supplements can help to accelerate your weight loss and burn fat faster!

What are some foods that help to lose body fat quicker?

The key to losing weight effectively is eating foods and supplements rich in antioxidants — goji berries, pecan nuts, lettuce and pumpkins — and most notably, green tea. Green tea extract is a popular fat loss supplement loaded with beneficial compounds, including amino acids, antioxidants and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) plant compound to help boost your body’s metabolism. These components break down excess fat in our bodies and increase the energy the body uses. EGCG is scientifically proven to induce good HDL cholesterol and control glucose levels, which brings you closer to your weight loss goals.

A green tea extract supplement serves the goodness of green tea in a small tablet, easy to be consumed anywhere and anytime. It combines quality nutrients through innovative technology for easier personal consumption and quicker body absorption, making it an excellent dietary supplement for weight loss.

What is the best time to consume green tea extract?

The best time to drink or consume green tea supplements is before exercising and working out. Green tea extract has repeatedly been shown to burn body fat faster, especially with frequent exercise and a healthy diet. According to a study in 2009, a group of people who consumed green tea supplements over 90 days together with a low-calorie diet lost a total of 14 kgs — 60% more than those who didn’t consume any.

Besides green tea extract and ECGC, an effective weight loss supplement should also contain soybean and brown algae — scientifically-proven antioxidants that aid weight loss. They are compounds that protect body cells against harmful molecules and burn off fat more effectively.

How much green tea can I consume in a day?

All things are best in moderation, even when consuming green tea. The amount of green tea you should consume depends mainly on your natural metabolism and body conditions. Most health blogs and nutritionists recommend drinking between one to two cups of green tea daily to aid with weight loss and reduce body fats. Green tea contains caffeine, and overconsumption can lead to health problems such as anxiety and liver problems.

If you want to enjoy the goodness of green tea without its caffeine, take a green tea supplement! It should ideally be made of caffeine-free green tea extract and has 20mg of EGCG per tablet, a great addition to enhance your diet and exercise!

Want to lose weight quicker? Green tea weight loss supplements can help!

At this point, you might wonder: isn’t it just easier to drink a cup of green tea that contains more EGCG than a supplement? The fact is, your body finds it difficult to fully absorb so much EGCG in one go when you consume green tea. There will be excess EGCG that cannot be absorbed and subsequently eliminated from the body, reducing its health benefits.

Consume green tea the right way for more effective weight loss. Reap the full benefits of EGCG by taking green tea weight loss supplements formulated with GreenSelect Phytosome technology. This technology uses a small, natural complex to bind the ECGC together to help your body absorb the green tea extract better so you can bid goodbye to those extra pounds quicker!

Take T for A Healthier Lifestyle

The needle on the weighing scale is not the perfect indicator for weight loss; your goal should be a healthier and better you. Embark on a healthy weight loss journey to feel healthier, more active and energetic — not to mention the glowing confidence that radiates from you. Start a healthy and holistic weight loss journey to achieve optimal health with a green tea extract supplement today!